Full Moon in Scorpio

Full moons are a culmination of light and energy. A moment of climax and letting go. In astrological terms, full moons serve to illuminate what is hidden on a psychospiritual level, in relation to the sign in which the full moon is occurring. This full moon is happening in the sign of Scorpio, which itself represents the hidden: our deeper selves; what is beneath the surface. The shadow and the shaman. More than any other lunation of the year, this full moon in Scorpio is an opportunity to go deep; to gain access to places in ourselves we didn’t even know existed. It is like the soul equivalent of the Midnight zone: an area of the sea between 1,000 and 4,000 metres below the surface, which is in perpetual darkness. An aquatic version of the underworld; a place where the strange and powerful (and bioluminescent) dwell. 

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Lynsey Allett
New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries

Eclipse season happens twice a year. During an eclipse season we will experience two, and sometimes three, eclipses, with solar following lunar, or vice versa. There are two conditions for an eclipse: the sun must be crossing a lunar node, and the moon must be crossing either the same node (solar eclipse) or the other node (lunar eclipse). That means, of course, that solar eclipses can occur only when the moon is new, and lunar eclipses can occur only when the moon is full. Lunar nodes are the two points in the sky where the Moon's orbital path crosses the ecliptic, the sun's apparent yearly path on the celestial sphere. 

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Lynsey Allett
Libra Full moon Eclipse

Eclipse season starts nineteen days before the sun passes through a lunar node and ends nineteen days after. There are two eclipse seasons, one at each node, during a calendar year, and they occur roughly six months apart. The lunar nodes aren’t celestial bodies; they are non-visible points in the sky where the orbital paths of the sun and the moon intersect. New moons become solar eclipses and full moons become lunar eclipses.  A lunar eclipse – this one is happening in Libra - occurs when the earth lies directly between the sun and the moon; creating a shadow that moves over the surface of the moon. 

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Lynsey Allett
New Supermoon in Pisces

Pisces is soft, ethereal and healing. It is the absolute antithesis to ‘pulling ourselves up by our bootstraps’. It speaks to release as less of a purge and more a gentle dissolving of the things we need to let go of. This sign is super-intuitive and empathetic, so its mode of release isn’t a purge, it’s a gentle, compassionate dissolution. There is no trying with this new moon. All we need to do is slow down, connect and be led by our intuition. This moon is deeply healing and restorative. It wants us to rest and to dream. 

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Lynsey Allett
Full Moon in Virgo

Virgo is a mutable earth sign. Supremely grounded (the element of earth) and in tune (the flow of mutable), this very feminine energy speaks to our ancestral connection to the patterns, pulses and rhythms of the earth and how that relationship affects the detail in the shape and structure of our lives. It is very much to do with our earthly experience and how we show up day to day. 

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Lynsey Allett
New Moon in Aquarius

This new moon takes place in the sign of Aquarius: a fixed air sign and the penultimate sign of the zodiac. Aquarius energy is not straightforward. It can feel complex and possibly contradictory. Ruled by Saturn in ancient astrology, and Uranus in modern astrology, Aquarius energy is broadly about structure: creating it, maintaining it and upsetting it. It is simultaneously the collective and the unique, eccentric, authentic self. Saturn is form, authority and the long-term, whereas Uranus is the disruptor of form – in sudden and unexpected short-term ways – and rules freedom, eccentricity and originality.  

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Lynsey Allett
Full moon in Leo

Full moons are the culmination of the lunar cycle. A moment of heightened and energetic climax. A synodic month – the formal name for a lunar month – is around 29.5 days long, so creates an ever so slightly shorter rhythm than a calendar month. It is the synodic month that speaks most loudly to our biological self; our primitive self.

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Lynsey Allett
New Moon in Capricorn

A new moon occurs when the moon is directly between the earth and the sun, with its shadowed side pointing towards us. This arrangement - the nearly straight-line configuration of three celestial bodies in a gravitational system - is called a conjunction or syzygy. This is why we experience a new moon as lunar darkness. It is a time of mystery and dreaming. A time to create visions for the future. This new moon in Capricorn is the first new moon of 2024 and provides a distinctly earthy and grounded medium – much like earth itself – in which to plant new seeds and intentions.  

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Lynsey Allett
Full Moon in Cancer

The time it takes for the moon to complete one orbit around the earth and return to the same phase – full moon to full moon, for example – is approximately 29.5 days, known as a synodic month. The moon appears full to us when it is positioned directly opposite the sun in the sky as observed from the earth. During a full moon the earth, moon, and sun are approximately positioned in a straight line. This alignment enhances the gravitational pull on the earth, leading to higher high tides and lower low tides, which we call spring tides. This gravitational interaction directly influences how our seas behave. It intensifies their peaks and troughs. This is a climax of not only light and energy, but also the dynamic movement and shape of water. This full moon takes place in the sign of Cancer, the first water sign of the zodiac, which is ruled by the moon. 

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Lynsey Allett
New Moon in Sagittarius

New moons are the start of the lunar cycle. They represent the pure potential we hold inside of ourselves. A time to imagine, and reimagine, our inner and outer worlds. This new moon is in Sagittarius – wild, questing and free – and is the very last new moon of 2023. This moon feels like a homecoming and serves as a beautiful counterpoint – a salve – to the (slightly exhausting) deep-diving, underworld energy of Scorpio season and the analytical, hyper-focused Gemini energy of the last full moon. It is a moment to reflect on how far we’ve come; all we have achieved and how we have changed. 

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Lynsey Allett
Full Moon in Gemini

Full moons are the culmination of the lunar cycle and offer us the opportunity to reflect and release. This is the last full moon before the solstice and offers us an opportunity for deep assessment before we move further into the darkness of the winter. 

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Lynsey Allett
New Moon in Scorpio

The new moon is the first phase of the lunar cycle, when the sun and earth are on opposite sides of the moon. This dynamic creates a shadow on the earth-facing side of the moon. This first, dark phase represents potent potential and what is yet unwritten. New moons – or dark moons – are a powerful time to connect deeply with ourselves and set intentions for what we want to call into our lives. They also represent what we cannot see; what is hidden. This new moon is in Scorpio; a sign that is all about (the) shadow, mystery and the hidden. 

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Lynsey Allett
Partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus

Eclipses are part of larger cosmic rhythm and, in this sense, are a staple part of our lives. They are nothing to fear, even though they can feel energetically charged and possibly overwhelming. Eclipses are a huge celestial check in point. And lunar eclipses (in particular) are a time for closure, completion and culmination.

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Lynsey Allett
New Moon Annular Solar Eclipse in Libra

Eclipses are all about out of the ordinary alignment and can only occur when the moon is perfectly lined-up to intersect the ‘ecliptic’: the sun’s path through our daytime sky and the plane of earth’s orbit of the sun. The reason eclipses don't happen every month is because the moon's orbit is tilted; it is 5º relative to the earth's orbit around the sun. This means that most of the time, the moon passes above or below the earth's shadow and the sun and does not cross the ecliptic plane.

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Lynsey Allett
Full Moon in Aries

Aries (I am!) is a cardinal fire sign ruled by the warrior god Mars. Masculine and yang (in a Traditional Chinese Medicine framework) this Arian/Martian energy is initiatory, and quest orientated. It not only wants us to start something; it wants us to complete it. Even if this involves endurance. This moon is a fiery call to action.

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Lynsey Allett
New Moon in Virgo

Virgo is a mutable earth sign. Supremely grounded and in tune, this very feminine energy (Virgo is the only zodiac sign represented by a female archetype) speaks to our ancestral connection to the patterns, pulses and rhythms of the earth and how that relationship affects the shape and structure of our lives. It is very much to do with our earthly experience and how we show up day to day. 

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Lynsey Allett
Full Blue Supermoon in Pisces

This full blue supermoon in Pisces is a rare convergence of three distinct lunar phenomena. Firstly, it is a supermoon which, as the name suggests, means that the moon will appear bigger and brighter to us on earth. A supermoon occurs near when the moon is closest to the earth (perigee). This supermoon will also be the biggest and brightest supermoon of the year (a superlative on a superlative). This is also a blue moon: the second full moon in a calendar month. However, this isn’t just the second full moon; it is also the second supermoon of the month. A super-super blue moon. Thirdly, Saturn – just a few days from being its closest and brightest of the year to us – will dance with the moon. The ringed planet will be at around 5 degrees of the moon, on its upper right, and will appear to move clockwise around it as the night progresses. 

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Lynsey Allett
New Moon in Leo

A new moon is the first phase of the lunar cycle. A delicious new beginning that holds the promise of what is yet to come. Although invisible to the eye, the energy of a new moon is extremely potent. It is the ideal time to plant seeds and set intentions for what we want to bring into our lives. This is because during a new moon, both sun and moon inhabit the same zodiac sign, bringing our inner (moon) and outer (sun) worlds into alignment.  

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Lynsey Allett
Full Sturgeon Supermoon in Aquarius

A supermoon is a new or full moon that is at its closest orbital point to the earth. The moon travels in an elliptical path around our planet. In astronomical terms, this is described as an ‘eccentricity’: a measure of the amount the orbit deviates from a perfect circle. This closeness means that the usual effects of the moon are amplified: a bigger, brighter moon; heightened gravitational force – a force that causes much higher tides – and increased seismic activity. As the moon represents our internal world and inner landscape, we will experience these augmented forces as increased emotional and spiritual sensitivity. 

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Lynsey Allett
New Moon in Cancer

This new moon is in the cardinal water sign of Cancer: the sign it rules. It is powerfully at home here. Whenever we have a new or full moon in Cancer, home, in a multidimensional sense, is the key theme. Home is not just our physical dwelling or the town we are from (a space and a place), it is also a feeling, practices, and an active state of state of being in the world. We have all probably experienced moments of feeling very at home, and very un-at home, in the world. Cancerian energy is all about tapping into this sense of home. 

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Lynsey Allett