Full supermoon in Aquarius

Full Supermoon in Aquarius, 19.08.24 - 12.25

A supermoon is a new or full moon, which is at its closest orbital point to the earth. The moon travels in an elliptical path around the earth. In astronomical terms, the deviation of the earth’s elliptical orbit from a perfect circle is called its eccentricity. This eccentricity means that sometimes the moon is relatively closer or further away to the earth, giving us super and micro moons, respectively. The lunar closeness – the greater intimacy – of a supermoon means that the effects of the moon are amplified. In terms of a full moon (because new moons can be super too) that means a bigger, brighter moon, and a heightened gravitational force; a force that causes much higher tides. A supermoon also augments our experience of its energy, on an emotional and spiritual level.   

This full supermoon is in the sign of Aquarius. Aquarian energy is quite different to any other sign. It is complex. Astrologically-divergent. On the one hand, it represents the collective: community, groups, societies, institutions, and the rules that govern them (its traditional ruler Saturn, which speaks to order and structure). It also represents our collective consciousness – our interconnectedness in what we feel vibrationally – and the technologies that bind us (the internet being the most relevant contemporary example here). Aquarius’s modern ruler is Uranus, which is very much to do with what is future-facing, in terms of technology and also the self. This is illustrative of the paradox of this sign. The construction and the destruction. It can conceive, innovate, build and then want to tear it all down. ‘Phygital convergence’, which refers to the blending or integrating of digital and physical experiences, is uber-Aquarian in flavour. We are beginning to see less and less distinction between the real world and the virtual world. The digital is becoming increasingly realistic, and the real is becoming as flexible and malleable as the digital. 

“The real and the digital are becoming increasingly intertwined. Technologies like augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR) and the immersive internet are breaking down barriers between the physical world and the digital domains where we are spending more and more of our time. More so than ever before, we exist as digital avatars within virtual environments. This is true for work, where we collaborate remotely through platforms like Zoom, Teams and Slack, and play, where online gaming and e-sports are more popular than ever. We use social apps like TikTok and Instagram to create virtual spaces where we share moments from our “real” lives – curated and filtered to create digital personalities that become our virtual selves.” On one hand, we are more connected than ever, and the other, ‘social networking' can be detrimental effect on our mental health, leaving us feeling unworthy, alone and disconnected. 

During a full moon, we always work with an axis of energy because the sun and moon are in opposition. Currently, the sun is in Leo and the moon is in Aquarius. As each sign takes up exactly 30 degrees of the zodiac, the average duration of the solar stay in each sign is one twelfth of a sidereal year, or 30.43 standard days. The moon changes sign every two or two and a half days, and passes through all 12 signs of the zodiac every 27 and 1/3 days: one sidereal month. There is a distinctive and important relationship between these signs that sit opposite each other on the zodiac wheel. Although oppositions are considered a ‘harsh’ aspect, they are actually huge opportunities for growth and understanding. The planets that pair during a full moon sit on either a feminine or masculine principle. Leo and Aquarius are both on the masculine axis, which is often referred to as the ego-axis.  

“In analytical psychology, ego is associated with consciousness and the masculine principle. Although the feminine principle generally characterizes the unconscious, it was not assigned a psychic structure equivalent to the ego. We would like to propose a model of the psyche where self and ego are the major modes of psychic experience. The self as the 'being' mode represents the feminine principle and functions according to primary process; the ego represents 'doing', the masculine principle and secondary process. Feminine and masculine principles are considered to be of equal significance in both men and women and are not limited to gender.” A useful Leo-Aquarius axis question is: how can we find a sense of belonging and community through self-expression? Because, how will we find our community if we are not authentic? Leo reminds us to stay heart-aligned and true, whereas Aquarius allows us to experience the beauty of belonging. 

This moon, then, is very much about being in the world. How we make the internal external. About making structures manifest. The intriguing thing about Aquarian energy is that it creates and innovates – it builds these structures and networks – yet it simultaneously wants to disrupt them; to tear them down and break free from them. This is very precisely expressed through the astrological architecture of this full moon, which is impacted by an intense T-square.  

A T-square happens when three or more planets (or celestial bodies) combine is an opposition plus and two squares. A fixed T-square is when all the planets involved are in the fixed signs of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. This moon in Aquarius is opposing the sun in Leo, while the moon and the sun are both squaring Uranus in Taurus, that is, they are both forming a separate square to Uranus in Taurus. This means that fixed sign energy is getting lit up to the max.  

The shadow side of fixed sign energy is an unhealthy rigidity. This moon is an invitation to healthily dissolve, release and destroy rigidity in our lives that is holding us back. Aquarian energy is self-aware, intelligent, empowered and eccentric. It doesn’t care about should. And it certainly doesn’t care about the past. It is supremely forward-facing and radically honest. The collective concern of this sign manifests in placing more importance on what is right and true over what is acceptable. Uranus, the contemporary ruler of Aquarius, is associated with breakthroughs, extremes, innovation and shifts in perception. It facilitates upheaval and expansion. It is the ‘divine awakener’.  

How to work with the energy of this supermoon in Aquarius? Releasing rigidity around how we feel we ought to be is huge. However, because Uranus – the disruptor – is so at play during this lunation, we don’t need to work at doing anything. What will happen will happen. Our main job is to tune in, be receptive, and allow release to move through us. Aquarius energy is visionary. It has abundant self-knowledge. It doesn’t care at all about external understanding or validation. It is free. It is not about trying or forcing. Creating the conditions where you can access these parts of yourself are important. Free from distractions, boredom and irritation. Where and how do you feel most free? That is probably the most important thing to tune into. How to break free; how to be free.

If you feel called to, this meditation on Insight Timer from Sannalign is all about the Leo-Aquarius alignment we discussed above: Zodiac Alignment; Leo-Aquarius Axis, Belong By Being You

Phygital quote

Ego quote

Lynsey Allett