New Supermoon in Pisces
New Moon in Pisces, 10.03.24 - 09.00
New Supermoon in Pisces, Sunday March 10th at 9 AM
A new moon occurs when the moon is directly between earth and the sun, with its shadowed side pointing towards us. In this moment, the sun and the moon inhabit the same spot in the zodiac (this new moon they are both sitting at 20 degrees of Pisces) bringing about a peak experience of that sign’s particular energy. From an astrological point of view, the phase of the moon influences our emotions and intuition. When it’s new, feelings of possibility, potential and emotional self-awareness can be heightened. This is also a supermoon (when the moon is closer to the earth than normal) so emotions and intuition will be be heightened further. New moons also offer an opportunity to plant seeds of intention that grow over the following two weeks (up until the next full moon) and the following six months (when we experience the corresponding full moon).
The zodiac is divided up into twelve signs; Aries being the first, and Pisces being the last. This progression – this culmination – is important in approaching this new moon, as it is very much defined by the concepts of fruition and completion, and the position of reflection those conditions create. We talk about the new moon as the start of something. On one level, it is the literal beginning of the lunar cycle, and, on a psycho-spiritual level, it heralds the start of a new energetic chapter in our lives. However, a new moon in Pisces is different as it contains an acknowledgment of what we are leaving behind in order to become new. It is the last sign of the zodiac and is always the last new moon before Aries season and the Spring Equinox, which mark the beginning of the astrological new year. This end of cycle position invites us to reflect on the last astrological year through the lens of Pisces.
There is a spiritual maturity inherit in Pisces. It contains an awareness of all that has energetically gone before it in the zodiac. Pisces not only sits at the end of the zodiac’s cycle but imprinted within it are the lessons and wisdom of that journey. Ruled by Neptune, the planet of illusion and dissolution, Piscean energy is entirely comfortable with flow: with ambiguity and uncertainty. This energy feels like an ocean (Pisces is a mutable water sign); it is ever transforming but has the capacity to hold us safely too. We can be held in this mutable, watery place and be safe. We can let go of any illusions we have held on to about ourselves – there is a strong counter-cultural energy to Pisces that supports us in seeing the world from a place that is free from “should” – and our identity. Pisces teaches us that it is not only safe to change shape but natural. That the only constant is change.
Pisces is soft, ethereal and healing. It is the absolute antithesis to ‘pulling ourselves up by our bootstraps’. It is a super-intuitive and empathetic sign, so its mode of release isn’t a purge, it’s a gentle, compassionate dissolution. There is no trying with this new moon. All we need to do is slow down, connect and be led by our intuition. It is is deeply healing and restorative. It wants us to rest and to dream.
In her book, Rest Is Resistance: A Manifesto, Tricia Hersey says that:
“You were not just born to center your entire existence on work and labor. You were born to heal, to grow, to be of service to yourself and community, to practice, to experiment, to create, to have space, to dream, and to connect.”
And this is exactly what the expansive energy of Pisces wants us to do during this new moon. To stop forcing. Stop quantifying. Stop judging. More than any other sign, mystical Pisces has a deep connection to dreaming and the intuitive wisdom contained withinit. During this new moon, notice what is coming in through your dreams. Our dreams are a bridge between our conscious and unconscious mind. Piscean intuition is finely attuned to dream symbolism, which transcends literal meaning and gives us access to deeper truths about ourselves. You may want to record your dreams just before, during and after the full moon to see more clearly what is revealed.
Daydreaming is also a significant practice during this moon. Through daydreaming, the mind is allowed to flow along on its own journey, moving wherever it might like to go. This is an act of resistance itself, as it has no “productivity” value. It is a free, countercultural state – but a non-violent one that is healing, creative and experimental. By daydreaming we are giving ourselves space. There is no end goal to it, but the process and the act of doing of it is expansive. And sometimes things are revealed through daydreaming too.
Uranus in Taurus is sextile the new moon in Pisces. This aspect speaks to the letting go – dissolving the old – we have touched on above. Uranus represents freedom and originality and sudden and unexpected changes, supporting us in being comfortable with our own personal journey in our bodies and on the earth (Virgo). Neptune is conjunct the sun and moon here, which amplifies the emphasis on dissolution: dissolving boundaries, old ways of being and creating so that new things can flow in. Neptune wants us to surrender to the ebb and flow of life and trust that what needs to come in will.
How to work with the energy of this Piscean new moon? Water. Water does not have a shape as such; it takes on form. Guillermo del Toro said about his film the Shape of Water that: “The strongest element is water, because it is malleable. And it has no shape. And love is the same. Love takes the shape it needs to take. No matter what the shape is, you fall in love madly. I do believe it.” This moon is an invitation to surrender, rest and connect. It’s about giving ourselves space for it to flow in. Slow down and engage with the gentle process of letting go, coupled with new information coming in. A little like psychic osmosis.
If you feel called to, any practice involving water will be healing and transformative as Pisces is the wateriest of all the water signs. Swim in the sea, if you have the chance. Take a cleansing bath or shower. Sit by water and just watch it flow and move. Anything you can do to connect to the mutable, watery qualities of Piscean energy. Overall, this moon just wants us to be and not do, though. Give yourself that time and space and see what happens.
Image credit: Maryna Yazbeck on Unsplash
Quote from Rest Is Resistance: A Manifesto by Tricia Hersey