New Moon in Taurus

New Moon in Taurus 08.05.24 - 13.21

A new moon is the first phase of the lunar cycle: when the moon is on the same side of the earth as the sun, with its shadow facing towards us. This first, dark phase of the lunar cycle represents our pure life potential; what is yet unwritten. New moons are traditionally a powerful time to connect deeply with ourselves and set intentions for what we want to call into our lives. The deeply earthy, grounded sign of Taurus is all about embodiment and is asking us ‘what wants to be made manifest?’ 

Taurus - a fixed earth sign ruled by Venus - is often associated with the material; with money and possessions. It rules the second house, which is to do with these tangible things, but Taurus is about so much more.  

“There is also a crucially important spiritual dimension to the sign Taurus and the 2nd House. The complementary spiritual purpose of Taurus is to be present here and now, and to know the peace in realizing that you already have it all. Both dimensions of Taurus are vitally important. If we define Taurus only by its material dimension, we leave the sign fully dependent on external stimulation for its happiness, thereby creating a Hindu or Buddhist nightmare: an endless cycle of craving. 
It is only because we live in a predominantly confused, wounded, and materialistic world that we think Taurus is mainly about money, possessions, and sensual indulgences. But Taurus is also a powerful symbol for enlightenment, and as we begin to wake up, it becomes more important to see Taurus and the 2nd House as referring to the potential for the truest inner peace, and therefore as well as to the obstacles to this real freedom.” 

This sign is deeply connected to the physical manifestation of home, which can mean our houses, our bodies and the earth (these things are not exclusive, of course). Simultaneously, how we physically experience our environment and our interconnectedness to it. In its highest exaltation, Taurian energy feels totally safe, stable and secure. It feels like the very best expression of home. A solid foundation - a sense of rootedness – gives us the freedom to appreciate the beauty of life. If we feel we have enough and we can trust that we will continue to have enough (and there is a definite link to satisfaction here with Taurus) we are able to become truly present. Abundance vs lack. 

The Taurian energy of this new moon is hugely amplified by the stellium (a cluster of three or more) of planets in the sign. During a new moon, we have the sun and moon sitting in the same sign, but this new moon sees the sun, moon, Venus, Jupiter and Uranus all in the earth sign.  

Venus, the ruling planet of Taurus, is extremely sensual, revelling in the sensory experiences of touch, taste, smell and sight. Our senses not only allow us to connect with our environment (the earth) and make sense of the world, but they are also the filter through which we derive immense pleasure from the stimuli that surround us. This feeds back into becoming very present. Like hedonistic mindfulness, this new moon is inviting us to enjoy; to experience the pleasure – the potential of pleasure – around us. 

Jupiter represents growth, expansion, healing and prosperity. With Jupiter in Taurus, we are being further invited to expand into this mindset of having it all. Uranus (innovation/disruption) in Taurus represents an opportunity to break with limiting mindsets related to money (to lack), to pleasure; to sensuality, and to our interactions with the natural world, of which we are not separate. 

Gaia theory offers a profound perspective on the interconnectedness of our planet and the delicate balance that sustains life. Rooted in the concept of the earth as a living organism, Gaia theory proposes that our planet possesses a remarkable ability to self-regulate and maintain a harmonious environment conducive to the flourishing of life. Like a wise and nurturing entity, the earth employs intricate feedback mechanisms and symbiotic relationships to preserve stability. From the intricate dance of photosynthesis to the regulation of atmospheric composition, the earth's systems exemplify a grand symphony of interconnected processes. We are not only connected to the earth; we are the earth. This new moon is possibly the most potent time of the year to fully feel that. 

How to work with the energy of this new moon? This moon, possibly more than any moon of the year, is about physical and sensorial pleasure. It is about slowing down and really tasting all that the world has to offer. Think ‘The Slow Movement’. The Slow Movement is about seeking to do everything at the right speed. Savouring the hours and minutes rather than just counting them. Doing everything as well as possible, instead of as fast as possible. It's about quality over quantity and includes notions like Slow Food, Slow Travel and Slow Sex.  

This moon is also about all the things we’d like to make manifest. Think (slowly and languidly) about what you want to bring into your physical realm. What pleasures do you want to make manifest? Think also about things that would make your life easier, more secure and stable.  

Image credit: Daniil Silantev on Unsplash

Taurus quote from an article by Moses Siregar III from here

Lynsey Allett