New Moon Annular Solar Eclipse in Libra

New Moon Annular solar Eclipse in Libra - 02.10.24

An annular solar eclipse occurs when the moon passes between the earth and the sun but the moon is too far away from earth to completely cover the sun. During a total eclipse, the moon is closer to the earth – appearing larger – and completely obscures the light of the sun. An annular solar eclipse sees the moon, earth and sun in a slightly different physical relationship – with the moon appearing smaller than it would during a total lunar eclipse – one which results in a bright ring of fire around the moon. The word ‘annular’ is derived from the mathematical term for a ring, which is an annulus.  

New moons are traditionally a time for beginnings. For intention setting. Solar eclipses – which always occur during new moons – are different, though. Instead of initiatory, they are purgatory; they are a time for releasing what hasn’t worked to make way for the new. During a solar eclipse, the sun, representing consciousness, identity, and life force, is momentarily obscured by the moon, representing the subconscious and our inner landscape. This alignment – this relationship – creates the conditions for deep introspection, unveiling hidden truths and initiating profound and radical transformation. 

For a solar or lunar eclipse to occur, the moon has to be near one of the nodes of its orbit.  Therefore, eclipses only happen only when the sun and the moon are in proximity to the lunar nodes: points of destiny, karma and fate. The lunar nodes are two points in space where the moon's orbit intersects the ecliptic, or the sun's path. Spiritually, the nodes act as karmic gateways, with the North Node guiding us toward our soul's purpose and the South Node urging us to release old habits. Eclipses near the lunar nodes emphasise alignment with our higher path, calling us to break free from the past and embrace new directions. Since July 2023, the lunar nodes have been in Libra (south) and Aries (north). They will remain here until January 11th 2025.  

This new moon annular solar eclipse is in Libra and is taking place just after vernal equinox: a time of the balance of night and day (equinox means equal night in Latin); dark and light, before the darker, more introspective days, of the winter here in the northern hemisphere. Balance is explicitly about relationship. Libra, represented by a set of scales – the ultimate symbol of balance – governs all aspects of our relationship to and with the world, the people in it and ourselves.  

The theme of relationship dominates this new moon solar eclipse. The invitation is to purge anything unhealthy; anything that has run its course; anything that is preventing us from growing. Our relationship with the world is often experienced through feelings of belonging and not belonging. The stories we tell ourselves – I’m not good enough; that’s not for me; things never work out for me; I’ll never find love – impact how we feel about ourselves and our place in the world. This eclipse is an opportunity to purge those stories. To purge anything that is preventing our growth.

You may also experience deep and sudden revelations about your personal relationships. Solar eclipses create tension, confusion and discombobulation, which you may feel keenly preceding this new moon. Things may get chaotic and messy. This energetic storm precedes the coming clarity and engenders breakthroughs. Feel into your most meaningful connections. Is there anything there that doesn’t feel right? Anything that limits your ability to be fully yourself; fully authentic. Do you feel safe and held in your significant relationships? Do you feel seen? You may also experience revelations around important people in your life. You don’t have to work at these insights. They will come. As mentioned above, they may come after a period of tension and discomfiture.

With Pluto retrograde at 29º during this new moon solar eclipse, the weight of these shifts and transformations will be augmented. Black Moon Lillith – the true, liberated expression of female sexuality; the wild we have been taught to tame –- is also tightly conjunct the sun and moon, highlighting themes of personal power and sovereignty and how these manifest in our relationships.

Our last new moon solar eclipse in Libra took place last October 14th, making this a huge relationship check in moment. What has happened in your significant relationships (including the relationship you have with yourself) over the last year? As the lunar nodes are shifting into Pisces and Virgo next year, there won’t be another Libra eclipse until 2033. The emphasis of destiny and karma will shift into the energy of a very different polarity. Quite simply, there won’t be this uniquely strong emphasis on relationships for another nine years. 

How to work with the energy of this new moon annular solar eclipse in Libra? Focusing on practices that allow us to safely purge and detox, such as sauna are perfect. Physically, the intense heat of a sauna stimulates sweating, which flush out toxins through the skin and improve circulation, aiding in the removal of impurities from the body. Additionally, the rise in body temperature boosts metabolism and promotes muscle relaxation, further contributing to physical detoxification. On a mental level, saunas encourage relaxation by lowering stress hormones such as cortisol and promoting the release of endorphins. If you feel called to sauna – or any activity that brings the body into balance through increased heart rate and sweat – imagine mental, emotional and spiritual toxins being released along with the physical ones.

“In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), the universe is seen as a coherent whole where celestial occurrences have a direct impact on the dynamics of the human body's energy system. This system, intricate and delicately balanced, comprises the dual forces of Yin and Yang, alongside the flow of Qi, the vital life force. Eclipses, especially solar ones, are believed to symbolize the ultimate interplay of Yin and Yang, as the moon (Yin) momentarily obscures the sun (Yang), disrupting the usual state of equilibrium.

The disturbance caused by an eclipse is seen not just as a physical alignment but as a significant energetic shift. This disruption is an opportunity to realign and recalibrate one’s health practices. It serves as a reminder of the transient nature of life and the importance of maintaining harmony with the natural world's rhythms and cycles.”

Anything can also bring us into balance after the purge, is so beneficial during the eclipse. Nourish yourself, look after yourself. Show yourself love and care. The eclipse is the disruptor and Libra is balance and harmony.

Image credit: Yong Chuan Tan on Unsplash

TCM information from here

Lynsey Allett