New Moon in Aquarius

New moon in Aquarius 01.02.22 - 5.45 am

New Moon in Aquarius, Tuesday 1st February 2022 at 5.45 am

New moons are the ideal moment to step into the fresh and unfamiliar. To look into the future, divine what we want we see and who we want to be, and make intentions for creating that future: for making it manifest. To connect to our authentic selves, we need to access our inspiration and our imagination. We need to channel our inner-visionary. Of all the signs in the zodiac, Aquarius is the most visionary of them all. And this new moon is not just the start of a new lunation; it the beginning of the Lunar New Year, in the most future-facing of signs.  

The multi-dimensional energy of Aquarius augments the belief that anything is possible. At its peak positive, Aquarius is highly intelligent, self-aware and self-accepting. There is a heavy amount of eccentric to this sign; of stepping outside of what is conventional. In terms of working with this new moon energy, that means applying this framework to ourselves. How can we think outside of the confines of limiting self-perception? Is there something a bit eccentric – but wholly authentic - about ourselves that we could embrace to make our lives truer and richer? This is what Aquarius energy is really inviting us to do. To be radically honest about who we are, weird and all. To burn away the false and to stand in the truth, even if that looks vastly different to what we thought it might.  

In many ways, Aquarius energy is about transforming feelings of embarrassment tied to societal perceptions we may carry about ourselves. Aquarius energy doesn’t care what anybody thinks because it is (as mentioned before) self-aware and self-accepting. What would our lives look like if we only cared about what our hearts and souls wanted? What would our lives look like if we didn’t care about what people thought of us? What would our lives look like if we were being revolutionary versions of ourselves? 

This new moon in Aquarius is conjunct to Saturn, and is squaring Uranus in Taurus, which is pertinent in the context of the sign’s ruling planet(s). Aquarius used to be ruled by Saturn: the disciplinarian; representing tradition, order, structure (things Aquarius creates but also resists). Uranus, on the other hand, represents extremes, rebelliousness and limitlessness. So, we have a very literal tension between the old and new here; between tradition and revolution. Again, we can bring this back to the relationship we have to ourselves. What tensions are there between the way we self-parent (Saturn) and our exploratory side (Uranus)? 

These tensions may reveal something around permission and what we allow ourselves to be. The space the new moon wants us to get into is: “I am allowed to…” (and, once again, it’s back to self-awareness and self-acceptance). This energy is not calling for a rewrite, because it’s not particularly interested in the past; it is calling for a narration/plot/character change. We can always change our story because we’re simultaneously the narrator and the main character. The revelatory part of this is that we can take charge of what is yet to come.

If you’d like to a simple practice for working with this new moon in Aquarius, make a list of what/who you are allow yourself to be. Start with the basics: “I am allowed to take up space.” “I am allowed to be vulnerable.” “I am allowed to rest.” “I am allowed to be spontaneous.” “I am allowed to be self-employed.” Once you get into your flow, ramp it up a notch and write with abandon - from a place where you REALLY don’t care what anybody thinks AT ALL. Continue to write each sentence with “I am allowed to...” Get creative. Get honest. Get unconventional. Channel your inner-visionary; channel your inner weirdo and channel like no one’s watching. 

Lynsey Allett