Full Moon in Cancer

full moon in cancer 17.01.22 - 11.48 pm

Full Moon in Cancer, Monday 17th January, 11.48 pm

Coming home to yourself 

Full moons happen every 29.5 days and are a climax of light and energy. We perceive the moon as full because it is opposite the sun in its orbit around the earth meaning its sunlit side is entirely visible to us, wherever we are on the planet. Astronomers regard the moon as full it is exactly 180 degrees opposite the sun; in ecliptic longitude. For this full moon in Cancer, that is at 11.48pm tonight in the UK. This full moon in Cancer is going to be very powerful for a number of reasons. Firstly, Cancer is ruled by the moon: this is its home (and home is the most important theme of this moon). This is our first full moon of the calendar year and the last full moon of the lunar year. And the full moon is also happening on a Monday, which is ruled by the moon.  

There is something very potent about the full moon being in the sign it rules. It is totally at home here. Completely authentic. Cancer is a cardinal water sign and is deeply emotionally sensitive. It has an innate connection to the lunar tidal rhythm: the rhythmic ebb and flow of the oceans. Amongst crabs of different species, the tidal rhythm is superimposed upon a circadian rhythm – in a sense, overriding it - resulting in nocturnal activity only when the tide is high. This is beautifully illustrative of receptivity of Cancer, and of its special relationship to the moon. It is also symbolic of process, and being present with our own process. There is no stasis in life. We are constantly in flux.  

Cancer strongly represents the concept of home; physically, emotionally and spiritually. The symbol of Cancer is, of course, the crab. The crab very literally carries its home on its back. Its physicality is its home. This full moon is inviting to us explore what home means to us. What does the physical space feel like that we have created for ourselves. Is it a safe space? Do we feel protected? Do we feel nurtured and held by it? More importantly, are we truly at home with ourselves? 

What does being at home with ourselves actually mean? A sense of belonging. Of being completely ourselves. Of being. It comes right back to this Cancerian relationship – the innate interconnectedness of the sign – to the present. In our lives, we spend so much time in the past and the future, which means we don’t feel ‘at home’ in our lives. This full moon is inviting us to very much open up to the sense of home. To the experience of home.  

In his essay on the uncanny, Freud explored the definition of the German words heimlich and unheimlich. One interpretation of these words’ etymology lies in the noun das Heim, meaning home. Without getting too bogged down by the intellectual specificity of this essay, these two words are a really useful way to connect to the concept of feeling at home, or its opposite, feeling unhomely. When something feels unhomely, it feels strange and eerie; it creates a feeling of unease. So, feeling at home is the absolute opposite. Feeling at home with ourselves is defined by a feeling of familiarity, intimacy and ease. It is a state where nothing is hidden.  

The sun and Pluto are (nearly) conjunct in Capricorn and are opposing this full moon. This lights up our relationship with transformation and how we have changed. Pluto is the planet of transformation, death and rebirth. And the way this energy is working with the themes of this full moon is to allow us to feel at home with transformation. To feel safe in change. It brings us right back to the idea that there is no stasis in life. We are our process but we are safe in that process. Full moons are a time of release and reflection. A time to let go of anything that no longer belongs to who we are now. Jupiter in Pisces (Jupiter rules Pisces) is extremely supportive of this opening up to ourselves through compassion, intuitive understanding and emotional intelligence.  

This full moon in Cancer is also happening two days before the Taurus-Scorpio nodal shift. The start of a new eighteen-month chapter where we will collectively experience an energetic shift into the healing path of Taurus and the karmic path of Scorpio. This is a really powerful check in point to reflect on what we’re leaving behind and what is about to begin. 

So, how best to work with the energy of this full moon? Nurture yourself. Ground. Connect. Create a beautiful sense of sanctuary in your home that supports you in connecting to yourself; to connecting to the innate sense of home and being at home with yourself. Just sitting for a brief moment, with intention, and connecting with this sense of safety and intimacy is so powerful, and so healing. As Osho said: “And to reach home you need not enter any airplane, any train, any car. You need to enter only yourself.” 

Lynsey Allett