Full moon in Leo

full moon in leo 16.02.22 - 4.56 pm

Full Snow Moon in Leo, Wednesday 16th February 2022 at 4:56pm, GMT 

*On Wednesday night, in the UK, moonrise will take place at 4:52pm, with peak illumination at 4.56pm. The peak will occur just before sunset (around 5:17pm in London) when the moon is still low in the sky. 

Full and new moons are a potent reminder of how deeply we are connected to the rhythms and cycles of our planet, and how much the moon is part of those rhythms. The moon's gravitational pull is the primary tidal force, for example. As the moon’s gravity tugs at the earth, it affects its mass. This slightly distorts the earth’s shape, so it becomes more egg-like (stretched at the equator and shortened at the poles).  

The cycles of the moon also affect us deeply on a physical, emotional and spiritual level. A study published in 2021, conducted by scientists at the University of Washington, the National University of Quilmes in Argentina and Yale University, analysed sleep patterns data in rural and urban locations – taking into account the influence of artificial light – and found that sleep patterns are indeed influenced by the phases of the moon. We sleep less on a full moon. 

This full moon in Leo – the first of the lunar year – is absolutely demonstrative of this power. It is a heart-based roar of a moon. One that calls us to stand unashamedly in our own power. One that taps into our courage, curiosity and creativity. In a very literal way, this Leo full moon wants us to shine super-bright. And this makes sense: Leo is ruled by the sun; the brightest of all the stars (and one that never goes retrograde). In astrology, the sun represents the self: our core identity; our source. And, what this moon is inviting us to do is come into alignment with that innate sense of self and light it up: it’s inviting us to be seen. 

Leo has a very child-like energy, full of play, curiosity, joy and living in the moment. In its most positive sense, the state of being child-like means abandoning limitations. Limitations come with conditioning and age. Limitations create a distance between the heart and the dreams we dream; between the heart and the life we live. This moon is offering us the opportunity to connect fully to the heart. To connect to the dreams that live there. To connect with optimism. If we could live our lives with full, present courage, what would it look like? If we shone our brightest, what would that look like? But it’s not only inviting us to think. Leonine energy is action-orientated, self-assured and assertive. It’s not just what we can take action on, it’s also how. 

Leo is also very much about love, and rules the fifth house of romance, self-expression and pleasure. This sexy-love energy is amplified to the max by an exact conjunction between Venus and Mars - astrologically known as “the lovers” - when they come together exactly in Capricorn on the day of the full moon. In a conjunction, the energies of planets merge. The merging of the lovers – Venus is feminine and Mars masculine - speaks to all things union, be that sexual, romantic, creative (of course, these things are not exclusive). This is an aspect that is Tantrically intimate, deep and creative. And this energy is even more potent (and will last longer) after Venus’s emergence from retrograde. 

Venus retrogrades have the potential for highlighting underlying issues we have around love and helping us clear baggage around it. They signify a closing out and represent the end of a cycle. Conjunctions are the start. Another aspect to mention here is Jupiter in Pisces sextile Uranus in Taurus. This is beautifully supportive of the juicy creativity that is flowing on this full moon, and a reminder of our big picture interconnectedness. 

How to work with the energy of this full moon in Leo? One suggestion is to disconnect from all digital distractions for a while. Connect to your heart; to your core. Is there anything there that doesn’t belong there anymore; anything you can release? Anything you’re currently doing that really isn’t you? After that, feel in deeper. Can you connect to anything that is truly you but has been hidden? What can you invite out into the light?  

“Your need for acceptance can make you invisible in this world. Don't let anything stand in the way of the light that shines through this form. Risk being seen in all of your glory.” Jim Carrey 


Lynsey Allett