New Moon in Virgo


New Moon in Virgo
07.09.21 — 01:51 AM


New moons are always about the start of something; about new beginnings. The new moon – or the dark moon - is the first phase of the lunar cycle; when the moon is on the same side of the earth as the sun, with its shadow facing towards us. This darkness was traditionally a time of reflection and retreat. An ideal time to check in deeply with ourselves and connect with what we truly want and what we want to bring into existence. The darkness may represent uncertainty – we literally can’t see because of the absence of light – but it also represents pure potential. We don’t know what’s possible, but anything might be.   

This new moon in Virgo is very much about our hardwiring. Its energy invites us to think about, and explore, our patterning and how it affects who we are and what we do. What belief systems, ways of doing things and habits have we picked up (culturally, from family or from habit) that are limiting us? Virgo is meticulous and is all about detail. With the new moon in Virgo, we are being invited to look at the details of our hardwiring; really drill down and see it. And, as Virgo is also a pure energy, it allows us to see this detail in an unadulterated, unfiltered way.  

The sun and moon are trining Uranus in Taurus (the nurturer), an aspect which is wholly supportive of this questioning, as it represents positive, rapid change and freedom. Uranus is rebellious, disruptive, inventive and innovative. It shakes things up. How can we break out of old patterning and see ourselves differently? If any planet governs positive neuroplasticity, then Uranus is that planet.   

A trine refers to the relationship between two celestial bodies at 120 degrees apart. It is a hugely harmonious aspect, bringing about flow and ease. This is important to note, as the trine energy is high with this new moon. We may be called to look at some difficult and potentially painful areas of our lives, but we will be beautifully supported in the process. Trines are considered to be the most auspicious of aspects, bringing amplified synchronicity and the potential for positive change. So, get excited, as we have not one but three trines in the sky this new moon! 

Mars in Virgo is trining Pluto in Capricorn. Mars is the planet of action and energy. It represents our will, force and sexual energy. Pluto symbolises transformation and is all about a fresh perspective. The question here is “is this who I am?” as a juxtaposition to the notion of “this is who I am.” There is also a trine between Jupiter in Aquarius and Venus in Libra, which encourages new intimacy and love (yes!) and also promotes healing of existing relationships and old wounds. 

A great practice for this new moon is to identify one thing we want to change and to reimagine it. It could be a way of thinking or something that we do. Identify this thing and imagine different possibilities of how it, or you, could be. This moon invites us to play and fantasise. Invent brave and different ways of thinking and acting. We can only access this information and insight through connecting to ourselves. Sitting quietly, in a space where you won’t be disturbed and meditating is one way to connect. Or walking in nature. Or dancing. Anything that promotes connection to self. 

Neeraj Singh