Full Moon in Pisces



21.09.21 — 00:54 AM

“Be the flow” Jay-Z

Full moons are about culmination. They bring illumination and intensity; revelations and release. This full moon in Pisces brings a watery softness, and a flow, to these intense, peak-orientated lunar qualities. Think of it as a Tantric moon: it is not overly concerned with climax as the goal; it is more interested in divine connection. 


This full moon in Pisces is defined by flow. Pisces is a watery mutable energy, representing transformation, movement and flux. Pisces speaks to us on a universal level; this is big cosmic energy that invites us to connect to and meditate on what lies beyond our immediate surroundings. Think dark matter, dark energy, the fermi paradox and the multiverse. Anything that allows you to conceive of the sheer immensity (and mystery) of it all. 


Pisces, which is associated with the twelfth house, rules soul growth, karma and spirituality. This moon, with its Pisces-Virgo axis, is inviting us to connect to these grand themes (Pisces) and how we channel them into the detail of our lives (Virgo). How can we connect through daily rituals to the divine? Mercury in Libra is trining Jupiter in Aquarius, which brings a beautiful supportive holding energy to this full moon. Where and how can we connect to what our souls want? This moon, although gentle, is calling us deep into the energetic world and asking big questions. But because Pisces has an innate dreaminess, this does not have to carry weight and heaviness. Rather, we can flow into these questions without dwelling on achieving fully formed answers.


There is a connection between this full moon in Pisces to the last new moon in Virgo, which was very much about our hardwiring and our belief systems. Why? Because Mercury is squaring Pluto: a transit that challenges our inherited and usual way of thinking. There is the potential, under this full moon, to unearth secrets about ourselves.  Where are we blocking ourselves from the bigness of life? How can we let the divine in more readily? Under this aspect, there is also the potential to get intense - with ourselves and with other people. However, the mutable energy of Pisces will (hopefully!) mean that we don’t become too attached to being right in the wrong way.


There is a beautiful simplicity to this moon. We don’t need to overthink or over-prepare. If you feel drawn to mark it with ritual, one that involves water would be perfect. Take a bath or shower, and visualise washing away everything that no longer serves you. Swim. Or find sweet release through a curated cry to your favourite tear-inducing film, or playlist (recent research by Neuroscientist Doctor William H. Frey II has found that this sort of crying, after the initial sad feelings have dissipated, lifts “the mood...above the levels at which it had been before the emotional event.”).

Neeraj Singh