New Moon in Virgo

New Moon in Virgo 27.08.22 - 9.17 am

New Moon in Virgo, Saturday 27th August, 9.17 AM 

The new moon – or the dark moon – is the first phase of the lunar cycle; when the moon is on the same side of the earth as the sun, with its shadow facing towards us. This first, dark phase of the lunar cycle represents pure potent potential. A time of new chapters opening up in our lives. New moons are a powerful time to connect deeply with ourselves and set intentions for what we want to bring into our lives. The sign of Virgo, like the new moon, also represents new beginnings. and has a very strong ‘fresh start’ energy. This, along with the other transits supporting this new moon in Virgo, is creating a unique space for us to access, and bring into balance, the realms of the hidden and the seen; the internal and external; the unconscious and conscious.  

In Astrology, Karma & Transformation, Stephen Arroyo talks about Virgo, Pisces and Scorpio as the three signs that are “most obviously concerned with the crises that can clearly be related to karma.” These signs “represent crucial stages in self-development, phases of evolution and growth in which the person must confront the fruits of his or her actions and attitudes.” They have the potential to be highly transformational. This moon is calling us to notice our patterning; our hardwiring. Versions of ourselves – ways that we behave, things we do and say, the beliefs we hold – that no longer marry to the truth of our inner and outer worlds. What actions, attitudes, relationships or work are we engaging in that no longer make sense to who we have really become?  

Think back to the last new moon in Virgo in early September of last year, and also the full moon in Virgo in March of this year. What has changed in the realms of your internal and external worlds during this time? What, or who, has fallen away? And feel into what further needs to transform. There is a purity in Virgo that makes accessing these places safer and simpler. This is the archetype of understanding, represented in Tarot by the Hermit and the Goddess, corresponding to our internal and external processing, respectively. Virgoan energy allows us to be safe but wants us to be free. These states are not exclusive and, when we feel safe in being and becoming our most authentic selves, then we feel able to question, and perceive, the limits we may have placed around ourselves. Personal autonomy and agency are extremely important themes here.  

Virgoan energy is adaptable and flexible, but also highly analytical. Its ruling sign is Mercury, which is responsible for communication, day to day expression but also processing, sorting and grouping. This processing, embedding (the giving of structure to conscious and unconscious things) and flexibility can be likened to the brain’s capacity to develop new neuronal connections. A neuroplasticity of being - a way to change through growth and reorganisation - is one way to think about how we can work this new moon on an alchemical level in our lives. What no longer belongs in the fibre of our lives? What new ways of being do we want to embed in our core? “Virgo deals with the purification of the ego and of the personal motives behind our behaviour.” How can we purify, strip down and reorder?

Virgo rules the 6th House, which speaks to routine, health, habits and service (to others but also to ourselves). This house is sometimes described in a way that evokes the mundane, but it is really very much to do with that we have just discussed; truth and authenticity our patterning. Virgo constructs a bridge between our inner and outer worlds. Health, for example, is both an internal and external state of being. In fact, "Mental health and physical health are inextricably linked, with evidence for a strong relationship between the two accumulating over recent decades and challenging the historical notion of mind-body duality. Mechanisms for this association can be physiological, behavioural and social, as identified by the biopsychosocial model of health. The nature of this relationship is two-way, with mental health influencing physical health and vice versa.” Our spiritual and emotional health has a very real relationship with our outer world too; the interpersonal relationships we choose and the things we say or do, for example. It’s really about interconnectedness over duality.

Mars in Gemini is squaring this new moon in Virgo. Often in astrology, squares are interpreted as a conflict and tension-inducing aspect. Another way of looking at aspects in general is as “energy-releasing and form maintaining” , with the former being squares and oppositions and the latter trines and conjunctions. Both Gemini and Virgo are mutable signs ruled by Mercury, ‘the Messenger’. We are being given some sort of information through this transit around our inauthentic, performative parts, thus supporting the space that the moon is creating for this exploration of self and soul. Venus in Leo is also squaring Uranus in Taurus, which relates to the structure of our intimate relationships. What needs to change form? What needs to be released?  

This new moon is also opposing Saturn in Aquarius. Saturn is the great teacher and represents the learning we experience on the physical plane. Saturn takes around 28 to 29 years to come full circle, and 2.5 years in one sign. This cycle in Aquarius has asked us to focus in on our longer-term dreams and the structures in which we operate. This square could assist with releasing anything around those things that is no longer true. 

How to work with the energy of this full moon? This is a very simple moon. On one level, we are being invited just to notice. Notice what no longer fits. Recognise these behaviours or parts of ourselves that are inauthentic to who we are now. This first stage of awareness will lead to a response, and then a release. We don’t need to do everything right now. It doesn’t need to happen all at once, or even quickly. We can access this information by slowing down. By walking in nature, or meditating. Any practice that gives space for the noticing to happen. Start by trying to identify just one thing. In all this, it is important to ground ourselves. The shadow side of Virgo can result in heightened nervous energy and repetitive thought patterns, leading to an inability to process healthily. Again, the practices mentioned above will assist in grounding. Also, using crystals like black tourmaline, smoky quartz or amethyst during the time of the new moon can be helpful.

The classic new moon ritual of writing down our intentions and dreams also works so well the heightened themes of this new moon in Virgo: fresh starts and new chapters. What new things and ways of being do we want to manifest? Make a list. Virgoan energy, with its attention to detail and habits calls us beautifully to bring magic to the day to day. To exalt our habits; to turn routine into ritual. It is important to remember that Virgoan energy is also mischievous, as well as meticulous. It is here to remind us that we can bring that sense of fun and joy to almost everything in our lives.

Image credit: Nina Luong @ninaluong

Excerpts from Astrology, Karma & Transformation, The inner Dimensions of the Birth Chart, Stephen Arroyo, CRCS Publications (1992), p.12, p.14 and p.112 respectively

Mental and physical health quote from:

Lynsey Allett