New Moon in Libra


New Moon in Libra

06.10.21 — 12:05 PM

New Moon in Libra, Wednesday October 6th 2021, 12.05 PM

New moons signify new beginnings. They are the start of the lunar cycle and offer us a moment to pause and reflect, as well as to set intentions for the next phase. The Libran filter of this new moon is relationships. Not only our romantic and platonic relationships to others, but our relationship to EVERYTHING.   

Libra is represented by a set of scales and represents balance and harmony. Libra is ruled by Venus and encapsulates, beyond any other sign, the human ability to connect with others. With Libra, there is an intimate awareness of ‘other’; of that outside oneself. But, because the moon represents our inner world - a place of self-nurturing - this spotlight on connection and relationship is not only outside of ourselves, but within ourselves too. How do we connect to ourselves? How to relate to ourselves?  

This new moon invites us to investigate whether our relationships with the inner and outer parts of our world are in balance. How do we talk to and motivate ourselves (bully or nurture)? The idea of motivation is amplified by this new moon’s close conjunction with Mars, which is all about action and making things happen. We can use the energy of this new moon to get clear on our relationship to action and ambition. Are we motivating ourselves in a healthy way or through fear (fear of failure, fear of scarcity)? This new moon offers us a chance to look at our relationship to the source and seeds of our actions; it offers us the opportunity to bring a bit more balance and harmony into this place. Would you talk to anyone else the way you – your inner critic or inner bully - talk to yourself sometimes? Libra loves to refine, so use this energy to reprogramme negative self-talk.  

This new moon in Libra is also quincunx (when two planets are 150 degrees apart) Uranus in Taurus (Uranus stays in a  sign for around seven years and is in Taurus until 2026). This aspect is about how we relate to others and to the earth. It is about the evolution (Uranus is the innovator and disruptor) of this relationship. It might feel like there’s a tension between the harmony and balance-seeking energy of Libra here (and this might be felt around the new moon) but the bigger picture is, once again, it is all about relationships.  

After six months of retrograde, Pluto is stationing direct on 6th October too. Pluto is mystical and ‘behind the scenes’. It is revelatory and wants to reveal deep truths about ourselves; about our shadow sides. Think back to the very end of April. How have things transformed on this level? What have you processed? With Pluto turning direct, you feel like the veil has been lifted (we tend to feel retrogrades the most on the days they station). Inner contemplative energy around living your truth may shift into actually living your truth in the world. 

What is the best way to work with the energy of this new moon in Libra? Reflect and reset our relationships. Contemplate how we can heal, shift and transform our relationships with others and our relationship with ourselves. And practice positive self-talk to soothe your inner critic.  

If all of this sounds a touch heavy and like a lot of work (but the best kind of work!), on October 7th, the day after the new moon, Venus (the ruler of Libra) moves into Sagittarius. This is a playful and optimistic combination, where we feel drawn to initiate intimate connection.  So, reflect, reset but also initiate! Relationships (in all their glorious forms) can bring us the very greatest joy of all.

Neeraj Singh