New Moon in Gemini

New moon in Gemini 18.06.23 - 05.37 AM (BST)

A new moon occurs when the moon is positioned between the earth and sun, with the sun illuminating the side of the moon that faces away from us. During this alignment, the moon appears dark or invisible to us from the earth. A new moon marks the beginning of a new 29.5-day lunar cycle. The new moon – with its absence of light – is less visual and more energetic. During a new moon, the gravitational forces from the sun and the moon result in a phenomenon known as spring tides. Spring tides are characterised by higher high tides and lower low tides. This tidal intensity occurs because the gravitational pull from both the sun and the moon acts in the same direction, leading to increased tidal bulges on earth's oceans.  

This new moon in Gemini, characterised by the air sign’s intellectual agility and curiosity, is an active and imaginative kind of energy. On the one hand, this is about logical reasoning and analysis. But it is also very much about daydreaming and fantasy, and the relationship these creative processes have with our external realities. When we daydream, the mind has the freedom to wander and create its own narratives, unbound by external constraints or immediate reality. This imaginative function taps into the realms of fantasy, creativity, and visualisation; enabling us to mentally construct and explore scenarios that go far beyond the confines of our current lived reality. 

Gemini exhibits an interesting relationship with daydreaming and the brain's default mode network (DMN). “The part of our brain most often associated with daydreaming is called the “default mode network” (DMN). The term “default mode” refers to the part of our brain associated with our resting state and is responsible for our ability to reflect on our own consciousness and internal narrative. The DMN is an anti-correlational system active during contemplation like daydreaming and quiet when our working memory becomes engaged. The DMN is also something of a hub, with lots of connections running through it that impact a host of other activity patterns. But more interesting and somewhat mysterious, the DMN is responsible for much of our abstract conceptual thought—the introspective, self-referential kind that separates us from primates—and it recalls and constructs social scenarios to help us make meaning of our life.”* 

As an active, exploratory kind of mental energy, Gemini is very at home in a network, with its multiple intersecting and interconnected threads. When the DMN is activated during daydreaming, it allows for a free flow of thoughts, ideas and associations. The DMN has a tendency to connect seemingly unrelated concepts and thoughts. It is a space where the rich diversity and multifaceted nature of Gemini can converge. During this new moon, we can tap into this capacity for mental flexibility and pattern recognition, which can heighten creativity and our ability to ‘think outside the box’.  

Thinking outside the box and outside of contemporary socially accepted ideas – ones that tell us that daydreaming and mind-wandering are states to be conditioned out of – are the key themes of this moon. This is further heightened by a square between the sun and moon in Gemini with Neptune in Pisces. Neptune and Pisces are intimately connected when it comes to the realm of dreaming. Neptune is the ruling planet of Pisces, and both are associated with the ethereal and mystical aspects of life, like daydreaming, intuition and the unconscious mind. This square then creates a blend of analytical thinking, intuitive insights and imaginative exploration. It has the potential to stimulate daydreaming and activate the DMN, nurturing creative ideas, intuitive musings and a deeper connection to the unconscious mind. This heightened potency lies in Neptune’s blurring of the boundaries between reality and imagination.   

“I don't remember my dreams too much. I hardly have ever gotten ideas from nighttime dreams. But I love daydreaming and dream logic and the way dreams go.” David Lynch. 

Squares are often seen as negative aspects in terms of the conflict or tension they may present. However, a “square aspect shows where energy must be order that a new structure may be built.”** This square is encouraging us to explore and use both our intellectual faculties (Gemini) in relation to the emotional attunement that Neptune and Pisces bring to the party. In relation to the notion of release, this aspect allows to examine our dreams and intuitively recognise what feels right and what needs to be released. It’s OK to let go of dreams that may no longer resonate with what we want for ourselves now. Letting go of these will create space for new, fully authentic and right dreams to start to take shape. 

How to work with the energy us the new moon in Gemini? Give yourself permission to be spontaneous. Give yourself permission to explore. Most of all, give yourself permission to daydream. This can happen while you’re out walking in nature or doing chores. If you feel called to do something more intentional, this Ecstatic Didge Daydream binaural sound meditation, from StressFit on Insight Timer, is a wonderful way to support you “in rapidly enter states of relaxation, focus, high-energy, and creativity.” This new moon in Gemini squaring Neptune in Pisces is giving us the opportunity to feel into our intellect, imagination, creativity, curiosity and emotions. And to feel how they do not need to be separate. 

“Daydream, imagine and reflect. It’s the source of infinite creativity.” Deepak Chopra. 

Image crediti: NASA on UnSplash

*Time Magazine Why Daydreaming is Good For You

**Stepehen Arroyo: Karma, Astrology & Transformation, p.114

Lynsey Allett