New Moon in Gemini

New Moon in Gemini 30.05.22 - 12.30 pm

New Moon in Gemini, Monday 30th May at 12.30 (BST) 

Celestial cycles and biological rhythms govern our external and internal worlds. Eclipses are part of this larger, cosmic cycle. Natural but challenging; transformative but potentially painful. Over the last month, we may have been in the trenches at points; mired in change: in deep, raw, sensitive places within ourselves. With this new moon in Gemini, we are officially closing out the first of this year’s eclipse seasons, and with it this period of high-intensity metamorphosis. It is time to integrate and it is time to play, as we approach the much softer, curious and lighter energy of this Gemini new moon.  

Gemini energy is extrovert, adaptable, open-minded, connection-loving and child-like. Very, very different to the fixed, yin-ness of the Taurus and Scorpio moons we have just experienced. There is an energetic salve to this difference; it is is much more objective somehow, and not so attached. It is inventive. It feels like potential. As Albert Einstein said: “Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.” Gemini energy is not weighed down with what has been; it is much more at home – much more interested in - with what is to come and what magic life has to offer.  

Represented by male twins, the essence of Gemini is yang: masculine and active. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the concept of yin and yang serves as the foundation for understanding health, as well as diagnosing and treating illnesses. Yang is exterior (skin and muscles) and protects yin. There’s a safety here. And we can feel it in this new moon. We are secure within this energy; we are contained. 

Yang organs are defined by motion. Their function is to transform, transport and excrete. And this connects so beautifully to Gemini’s mutable air qualities. It is a movement-loving sign; one that is not afraid to flit: to move on quickly when something is not working out, or is not interesting. It doesn’t look back. 

We are being invited, during this new moon, to explore the creative potential of what is next. Who and what do we want to be when we drop adult limitations of ourselves? Who and what do we want to be in a world that is overflowing with possibility and wonder? This could take the form of making a list, or much better still, you could talk about these dreams with a dear friend, or friends, and listen to theirs. Gemini is, after all, supremely social and friends – our truest soul friends – may play a big part in our lives in the days leading up to, and just after, this new moon. We may experience renewed connection to the ones who hold the most magic, love and karma in our lives. 

Psychotherapist Carissa Karner, in her TEDx talk: ‘The Art of being your own best friend’, talks about how being a good friend begins with listening. “It is how we feel seen and understood, and neurobiologically when you feel understood it is one way that your brain and nervous system can calm down.” We can use the connected, friendly energy of this moon not only to communicate with friends, but also with ourselves. This is the introductory exercise in Carissa’s talk, and feeds in so perfectly to multiple themes of this new moon in Gemini: 

“Think back to the last time you were critical of yourself. Maybe it was a week ago, maybe it was yesterday, maybe it was just a minute ago. Remember what happened to cause the criticism to arise. Really picture it. In fact, go ahead and close your eyes and let that memory become vivid in all the gory details.   Now, keep your eyes closed, take one hand, and place it on your heart. Imagine that you are your own best friend. And as your best friend now listen to yourself. Trust yourself. Forgive yourself.  Go ahead and open your eyes and now imagine if you lived your life from this place right here. What would your life be like if you came from this place the next time you looked in the mirror to decide what you’re going to wear.  Or the next time you eat a second helping of dessert. Or the next time you feel like you just really screwed up. How would your life be different?” 

Jupiter moved into Aries a few weeks ago, and, during this new moon, Mars will be there too (from May 24th to July 4th). Mars represents sex, power, adventure, and action, and Jupiter about expansion. With this Mars conjunct Jupiter in Aries transit, our drive and energy, in all areas of our lives, may feel very much heightened. There is a delicious initiatory flavour here and new relationships and experiences are a distinct possibility. 


Image credit: @dynamicwang



Lynsey Allett