New Moon Annular Solar Eclipse in Libra
New Moon annular solr eclsipe in Libra 14.10.23 - 18.55 (BST)
*Visible from most of the USA, Canada, Central America and the Northern half of South America
Eclipses are part of our rarer natural rhythm and can only occur when the moon is perfectly lined-up to intersect the ‘ecliptic’: the sun’s path through our daytime sky and the plane of earth’s orbit of the sun. The alignment necessary for an eclipse occurs only during a narrow window of time; when the moon is close enough to one of its nodes (astronomical nodes are the two points in the moon's orbit where it crosses the ecliptic plan) and it is either a new moon or a full moon. This means that, for a solar eclipse to occur, the moon must be at the right position relative to the sun and the earth, and for a lunar eclipse to occur, the moon must be at the right position relative to the earth and the sun.
Since the lunar month (the time it takes for the moon to complete one orbit around the earth) is about 29.5 days long, and the moon's nodes move westward over time, the alignment required for an eclipse to occur only happens during certain periods of the year. These periods are known as eclipse seasons and they happen twice a year, approximately six months apart. The first eclipse of the second season of 2023 is an annular solar eclipse in Libra. This eclipse is happening in the South node, which represents our karmic journey.
Is astrology, eclipses are a time of rapid change; of surprising endings and beginnings. As this new moon solar eclipse is happening in Libra – with the karmic emphasis of the South node – the emphatic theme here is healing karmic relationship patterns: to self, to others, to the world, to destiny.
“In your birth chart, the North Node, or head of the dragon, indicates an area of life where you are insatiable. No matter how much you strive and seek and sweat, this hunger is bottomless. It can’t be filled. The South Node is the tail of the dragon: a point of surrender. Here, you purge, renounce, release. Like a bout of food poisoning that cleans you out, this process is necessary, though rarely pleasant. The South Node is one mechanism through which your body, mind and heart self-purify.” Chani Nichols, Astrologer.
Libra rules the 7th House of (long term) relationships and partnerships. Ruled by Venus, Libra speaks to us about the human desire for meaningful connections; to the beauty – Venus represents love, beauty, sex, fertility, and prosperity – that we find in our most significant intimate relationships. What do you yearn for, in terms of connection and intimacy? Do you have deep, meaningful interconnection in your most important relationships? Where is there more room for truth and beauty (think Venus)?
Pluto, the planet of karma, is squaring this eclipse. Often in astrology, squares are interpreted as a negative and tension-inducing aspect. Another way of looking at aspects in general is as “energy-releasing and form maintaining” (the former being squares and oppositions, and the latter trines and conjunctions). Pluto represents the underworld (he was the ruler of the underworld in Greek mythology) and is associated with deep, deep transformation, regeneration and evolution. Pluto also represents the power of life and liberation from material attachments, in order to achieve divine connection. So, what this square will highlight are places, particularly in our relationships, that are getting in the way of our living our deepest, truest life – what are you here for? - and our connection to the divine.
Other important aspects of this Libra new moon eclipse are Mars conjunct the South node, which amplifies the profound, inescapable karmic energy of this eclipse. Mars – whose influence was felt during the last full moon in Aries – is fiery and passionate. Very much to do with our inner warrior. We can really get in touch with our discernment here; feel our strongest and most empowered selves. Mars questions are: What am I most afraid of? What lies about myself do I tell others? Chiron – the wounded healer – is opposing this eclipse. What deep wounds are we ready to heal? What patterning are we ready to transform?
How to work with the energy of this new moon eclipse in Libra? The eclipse is augmenting the nature and themes of Libra, so the most powerful practice we can undertake is to connect, in whatever form you’re called to. Intuition is greatly enhanced, so you may want to meditate or spend time in nature. Venusian themes of beauty, love and sex represent potent places to immerse ourselves in connection. This eclipse energy will light us up and switch us on. In a way, there is not much to actually do; it is much more about opening ourselves up to the energy of relationship and connection.
Photo by Yong Chuan Tan on Unsplash
Nodes quote from: Chani Nichols
Square quote from: ‘Astrology, Karma & Transformation’, Stephen Arroyo (p.112)