Full Moon Penumbral Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio

Full Moon Penumbral Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio 05.04.23 - 6.34 PM

*This eclipse will not be visible from the UK as the moon will be below the horizon at totality

Eclipse season is one of many celestial cycles. It happens only twice a year, so is a rarer, more magical rhythm of the cosmos. New moons become solar eclipses and full moons become lunar eclipses. On Friday, we will experience a penumbral lunar eclipse, which is when the moon passes through the earth's penumbra (the outer part of the shadow that the earth casts in space). We experience this type of eclipse as a subtle darkening of the moon's surface, rather than the more dramatic reddish hue of a total lunar eclipse.  

The penumbral shadow is much fainter than the umbra – the innermost, dark, centre portion of the earth's shadow – so the effects of this type of eclipse are less obvious. There is a subtle but profound mystery to a penumbral eclipse, both visually and energetically. This is going to be potent and tender. Potent in terms of the opportunity it is giving us to cleanse (Scorpio is a fixed water sign) and tender in terms of how it could make us feel, and how we should treat ourselves during this time (with tenderness). 

There is a beautiful simplicity to this second and final eclipse of this first eclipse season. The themes are the closing out of cycles and release. Scorpio is the deepest diving of all signs of the zodiac. Ruled by Pluto, Lord of the Underworld, this eighth sign of the zodiac is associated with transformation, power, death, rebirth, and regeneration. It is also seen as a symbol of the unconscious, and represents the darker, more hidden aspects of our psyche: our shadow selves. 

Pluto's influence can be both destructive and transformative. It can bring about upheaval, endings, and profound change, which provide the opportunity for growth, healing, and rebirth. It is a potent force that can challenge us to face our deepest fears and transform ourselves from the inside out. This flows beautifully into the themes of this penumbral lunar eclipse in Scorpio; the themes of the closing out of cycles and of release. Scorpio, as we have touched on before, is the zodiac sign most linked to karma. In terms of its ruler this makes a lot of sense. Pluto is one of the outer planets, and its influence is profound and long-lasting. Think lifetimes as opposed to lifetime.  

There is something near-meta about this eclipse. It is happening close to the South Node of moon, which is currently in Scorpio (death/the end) at the end of its time in the lunar South Node. The nodes move retrograde through the zodiac, completing a revolution over about 18.5 years, spending about a year and a half in directly opposing signs. In a couple of months, the North Node, which is currently in Taurus will move into Aries, and the South Node in Scorpio will move into Libra. This is the final eclipse in Scorpio that we will see for many years. Themes being activated BIG TIME by this relationship are ones of letting go, surrendering and of release. If you can, think back to 2004 and 2005, which is the last time we had an Aries-Scorpio eclipse season. Is there anything closing out now from that time? This cycle of around 19 years is one of the longer rhythms of our lives and is called the Metonic cycle: a period of 19 years in which there are 235 lunations, or synodic months, after which the moon's phases recur on the same days of the solar year, or year of the seasons.

One way to feel into the energy of this eclipse in Scorpio is to think of it in terms of "la petite mort"; a French term that means "the little death" in English. The phrase is often used to describe the experience of orgasm; a moment of transcendence and release that can be likened to death. Death, sex, orgasm and transcendence are all explicitly Scorpio territory. In the context of transformation and rebirth, "la petite mort" can be seen as a metaphor for the idea that in order to experience transformation and growth, we must first let go of old patterns and ways of being. This can be a painful process, much like a physical death, but it is necessary in order to make way for something new and more expansive to emerge. Emotional surrender is key here.  

How to work with this full moon in Scorpio penumbral eclipse? 

Find a safe and tender way to release emotions. As a fixed water sign, Scorpio loves an intense cry. Let those tears rise up from deep inside of you. If crying isn’t coming easily, stimulate them with your favourite sad songs or films.  

Surrender. Let your feelings wash through you. Let them flow. Being in nature can help this process. Journaling. Be compassionate and gentle with yourself. 

Tap into the “la petit mort” by connecting with yourself or someone else sexually (Scorpio energy is intensely passionate) or dancing. Get physical. 


 Image credit: Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Lynsey Allett