Full Moon in Virgo

full moon in Virgo 18.03.22 - 7.17 am

Full Moon in Virgo, Friday March 18th at 7.17 am (peak illumination) GMT

Full moons are the climax of the lunar cycle. They are time for release and skin shedding. This full moon in Virgo is particularly potent, as it is marking not only the end of the Western astrological year, but also the closing out of a journey, which began with the new moon in Virgo back in September 2020. Think back to anything you initiated around this time - relationships, projects, important conversations - as this full moon in Virgo may bring these things, and the emotions surrounding them, back around, as they may not have been fully processed at the time. It’s time to let go. 

The key themes of this moon are healing and forgiveness, particularly towards ourselves. This moon is inviting us to look at our lives, and ourselves, and know that we don’t have to be “perfect” to be loved. The shadow side of Virgo tends towards perfectionism, manifesting in over-meticulousness and a desire to control. The healing of this full moon wants us to know that we don’t need to be perfect. Life doesn’t need to be - and isn’t - without flaws. Perhaps we have made decisions in the past, which now we regret, because we put too much pressure on ourselves or seek outside approval for our actions. This moon invites us to be fully at peace with ourselves as we are, wherever we may be in our lives. It reminds us to loosen the iron grip of judgement we may have on ourselves because we are in a process of co-creation with the universe. We don’t control everything and, in turn, are not fully controlled.  

What this moon may highlight, when we sit with ourselves fully, is the difference between our true, authentic selves and the ones we have become conditioned to be. Most of us are probably a blend of both these selves, to a greater or lesser degree. In her book Untamed, author Glennon Doyle describes this societal conditioning as a kind of caging: “Make yourself fit. You’ll be uncomfortable at first, but don’t worry – eventually you’ll forget you’re caged. Soon this will just feel like: life.” This moon, if we sit and be with our uncomfortable feelings and the mess and chaos inherent in life, may allow us to truly connect to the untamed parts of us. Doyle goes on to ask: 

“How much of this was my idea? Do I truly want any of this, or is this what I was conditioned to want? Which of my beliefs are my own creation and which were programmed into me? How much of who I’ve become is inherent, and how much was just inherited? …Who was I before I became who the world wanted me to be?” 

This moon supports this enquiry with compassion and tenderness. Go back and re-read the questions above with a super-gentle voice. “It’s OK” is this full moon’s mantra. Notice but don’t judge. Truth is nurtured by self-love and self-acceptance. Virgo over identifies with resolution (resolution = perfection). This moon wants us to be at peace with the things that are unresolved within ourselves and within our lives.

While the moon is in Virgo, the sun is in Pisces, creating an energetic axis between these two signs. Pisces is expansive, fluid energy. It allows us to connect to our intuition and reminds us of our connection to everything outside of our bodies and the earth. This is really helpful when we’re dealing with this very earth-bound Virgo stuff; the stuff of lives lived and shaped by the various frameworks around us. We are bodies and minds but we are also pure energy. This axis allows us to more readily connect with that higher vibration of spirituality that the shadow side of Virgo can block. And with Mercury, Jupiter, Neptune and the sun in Pisces, that energy is strong.

Another big but very supportive energy is Pluto in Capricorn trining the moon. Pluto represents death, rebirth and transformation. Capricorn represents commitment and boundaries. This combination supports commitment to self and to transformation, in order to be our most authentic selves. Neptune is also closely opposing the moon, which can be a very compassionate, nurturing and caring aspect. It can also heighten our experience of emotion, but in a healing way. Neptune is the planet of spirituality and support transformation and transmutation.

Oprah Winfrey said: “True forgiveness is when you can say ‘Thank you for that experience.’” This moon is inviting us to forgive ourselves for all that has gone before; for all the experiences we have given ourselves, and that the universe has given us.  


Extracts from Untamed, Stop Pleasing, Start Loving by Glennon Doyle, (Penguin 2020), p.5/6


Lynsey Allett