Full Moon in Gemini
full moon in gemini 27.11.23 - 09.16
Full moons are the culmination of the lunar cycle and offer us the opportunity to reflect and release. This is the last full moon before the solstice and offers us an opportunity for deep assessment before we move further into the darkness of the winter.
The sun is in Sagittarius and Mars, and the moon is opposing them in Gemini. This placement continues the Mars theme from the last new moon, and before. However, this relationship of opposition is different to the conjunction of the last new moon in Scorpio. Mars represents action and the force that moves us through the world.
Oppositions, as described by Stephen Arroyo in Karma, Astrology and Transformation are “energy-releasing”. This opposition between the moon and Mars is revealing what it is OK to let go of. What have you been forcing yourself to do to do in your daily life (Gemini represents daily tasks and routine)? What things that you do in your life exhaust you? Force is key here, as Mars is force. How is the shadow of force showing up in your life? What things can you allow yourself to stop doing?
As the sun is in Sagittarius, we are working with an axis of energy between Sagittarius and Gemini. These signs, even though they sit opposite each other in the Zodiac, have more in common than they are different, and they are both concerned with the mind but in a perceptually different way. Their difference is that Gemini is hyper-focused, and Sagittarius is big picture. Sagittarius expands through the mind while Gemini is analytical and concerned with detail. Gemini is concerned with knowledge, skepticism and spontaneity whilst Sagittarius is concerned with wisdom, faith and idealism. In terms of brain structure, the left hemisphere corresponds to Gemini and the right to Sagittarius. This axis is an opportunity to balance and to release.
Deepak Chopra puts it like this: “Because the left brain activity is more concerned with linear, verbal, logical processing and the right brain with non-verbal, intuitive, holistic processing, it has become a kind of simple shorthand to make the right brain spiritual and the left brain our prosaic earth-bound ego. But it’s not that simple. Unlimited is our essential nature, and our mind, body, brain and all our experiences are fluctuations and modifications of that unbounded consciousness. We can say that an experience of this wholeness needs the harmoniously functioning unity of all the parts of our brain with their distinct forms and structure, but without the definition and distinction of all the various parts of relative experience that our linear mind gives us, the experience of unity consciousness would be an impractical state of incoherent mush. So, unity without an integral structure or diversity is not much good.”
How to work with this Full Moon in Gemini? Integrate and release. Mediation, because it works to balance both hemispheres of the brain, forcing them to work in harmony, is the ideal practice to harness the axis of energy here. Scientists call this "whole brain synchronization" and when achieved, our brains experience beneficial changes in hemispheric blood flow and chemistry. 10 minute brain balancing meditation
And simply notice where rigidity is sits in your life. This is what this full moon in Gemini wants us to release. Let go of any pressure or force that doesn’t belong to the newest version of you. It’s OK to let go of old dreams that no longer align to who you are now. It’s time to make space for all the dreams to come.
Image credit: Ganapathy Kumar on Unsplash
Opposition quote from Karma, Astrology and Transforamtion by Stephen Arroyo (CRCS Publications) p.112
Deepak Chopra quote from: Left/right brain article