Full Moon in Gemini

Full Moon in Gemini 19.12.21 - 4.35 AM

Full “Cold Moon” in Gemini at 4.35am on 19th December 2021 (rising at 3.08 pm on December 18th)

Full moons are the culmination of the lunar cycle and offer us the opportunity to reflect and release. As this is the final full moon of the year – and the final full moon with the north node in Gemini – this is a pivotal moment to take stock of what has happened in the last eighteen months. And, like last month’s new moon, this moon continues the theme of reframing narratives. To paraphrase Beyoncé, we are the only ones who can “reshape our own perception of how we view ourselves.”


Think of this full moon in Gemini as a portal. It is happening just before the winter solstice on the 21st December, which is the darkest day of the year, but one that signals the return of the light. It is an energetic tipping point. Before it, there is everything we have been working with this year. On the other side, there is pure potential; there is everything that we can become. It is powerfully linked to a shedding of skin and transformation into the new. Combined with the huge release potential of this full moon, we can step into the end of the year and the new year feeling lighter, freer and full of possibility. 


This “cocoon” moment (a transformation opportunity, as opposed to the Ron Howard film about a group of elderly people rejuvenated by aliens) is supported further by Venus going retrograde in Capricorn on the 19th of December for forty days. Venus retrogrades are rare; they occur every eighteen months. And this is the first Venus in Capricorn retrograde since 2013. The wider themes of Venus retrograde are rebirth and reassessment (see how this so beautifully supports both the full moon and solstice energy?). We are being called to restructure our most important narratives: stories about love, our most important long-term relationships and our value systems. Look back to eight years ago. What was happening then? What is happening now? What needs to change? 

“Take the time to define yourself and define your value. If you’re having a hard time doing that, ask yourself: What is something I would say to someone I love?” Beyoncé


This last full moon of the year is in Gemini; an energy that is supremely social and defined by a feeling of never being alone. The symbol of Gemini is, of course, male twins and Gemini energy is very yang: masculine, active and out there in the world. Broadly speaking, in Traditional Chinese Medicine, yang is defined by expansion. Yang organs, for example, are said to constantly transform, transport and excrete. This illustrates beautifully the movement of Gemini: the mutable, adaptive nature. And the need for release. Bodily speaking, yang is exterior (skin, muscles) and protects yin. This absolutely concurs to the astrologically-defined positive aspects of Gemini, which are: extrovert, connection-loving, information-hungry, and totally social. 


How to work with this energy? Tap into the body. Get active. Move. Channel Beyoncé. Anything that gets things pumping, such as dance, is the perfect energetic release work for this full moon. Shake it out. Shake it all out. Dance around your room; dance with friends. Gemini is also strongly connected to the language. and affirmations are very powerful to work with. The energy here is about boldly stepping into the new: into pure potential. Something like “It’s time to do [insert dream life here]! The world is my oyster. Anything is possible!” Beyoncé said it like this: “Don’t try to lessen yourself for the world; let the world catch up to you.” Dream unapologetically! “Do what you were born to do. You have to trust yourself.”

This full moon is also trining Jupiter in Aquarius, which supports the potent potential and expansive nature of this full moon. This energy supports an opening up – a kind of limbering up – to what is about to happen. Everything here is inviting us to co-create the reality and the lives we want. Our beautiful and best lives.  



Lynsey Allett