Full Sturgeon Supermoon in Aquarius
full sturgeon supermoon in aquarius 01.08.23 - 7.31PM (BST)
A supermoon is a new or full moon that is at its closest orbital point to the earth. The moon travels in an elliptical path around our planet. In astronomical terms, this is described as an ‘eccentricity’: a measure of the amount the orbit deviates from a perfect circle. This closeness means that the usual effects of the moon are amplified: a bigger, brighter moon; heightened gravitational force – a force that causes much higher tides – and increased seismic activity. As the moon represents our internal world and inner landscape, we will experience these augmented forces as increased emotional and spiritual sensitivity.
Aquarius – a fixed air sign – is the penultimate sign of the zodiac. Air energy is all about the mind and the collective. It is intellectual, curious, highly communicative, complex and socially adept. It is defined by its connectivity and multiplicity. A useful way to think about this collective ‘network’ energy is to consider the mycelial network, which is a complex and fascinating system formed by the mycelium of fungi. Mycelium is a network of thread-like structures (the traditional ruler of Aquarius is Saturn, and represents order and structure), known as hyphae, which grow and spread through organic matter such as soil, decaying plants, and tree roots. The mycelium serves as the vegetative part of the fungus and plays a crucial role in the ecosystem.
The mycelial network enables communication and information exchange among different organisms in the ecosystem. Recent scientific research has revealed that mycelium can send chemical signals through their hyphae. These chemical signals allow fungi to communicate with each other, neighboring plants, and even other microorganisms. For example, some fungi can establish a symbiotic relationship with certain plants, forming mycorrhizal associations where they exchange nutrients with the host plant. The mycelial network also plays a role in defending against pathogens and pests by transmitting warning signals.
“A mycelial network is a map of a fungus’s recent history and is a helpful reminder that all life-forms are in fact processes not things. The “you” of five years ago was made from different stuff than the “you” of today. Nature is an event that never stops.” This moon is an invitation to tap into the flow of our existence. The unending evolution of ourselves. To tap into our lives as a process, as opposed to an outcome.
Another way to think about Aquarian energy is through Jung’s concept of the collective unconsciousness, which is a central aspect of his analytical psychology. He used the term "collective unconscious" to describe the shared reservoir of human experiences, symbols and motifs that are inherited in the psyche of all individuals. This collective unconscious, according to Jung, is distinct from the personal unconscious, which is unique to each person based on their individual experiences. He described it like this: “The collective unconscious contains the whole spiritual heritage of mankind’s evolution, born anew in the brain structure of every individual.”
This moon also strongly invites us to tap into this shared reservoir of wisdom. Nikola Tesla put it like this: “My brain is only a receiver, in the Universe, there is a core from which we obtain knowledge, strength, and inspiration. I have not penetrated into the secrets of this core, but I know that it exists.” With the moon in Aquarius, our ability to receive this information is amplified.
More than any other sign of the zodiac, Aquarian energy speaks to our shared human experience. To our interconnectedness. The modern ruler of Aquarius is Uranus, which is to do with future-facing technologies, rebellion and innovation. The internet, so very deeply imbedded into our day-to-day existence, is possibly the best and most obvious example of these themes. As we know, there is a shadow side to this etheric energy, which can manifest in extreme dissociation and detachment through the ways in which humans use technology. “Social networking”, for example, can have a detrimental effect on our mental health, leaving us feeling unworthy, alone and disconnected.
The current debates around the potential dangers of AI are very much on this shadow side of this highly innovative Aquarian energy. Some of the biggest risks of this technology focus on countries engaging in a potential AI arms race; loss of human connection through diminished social interaction and existential risks. “The development of artificial general intelligence (AGI) that surpasses human intelligence raises long-term concerns for humanity. The prospect of AGI could lead to unintended and potentially catastrophic consequences, as these advanced AI systems may not be aligned with human values or priorities.” During every full moon we work with an axis of energy because a full moon is an opposition between the moon and the sun. While the moon here is at 9° Aquarius, the sun is at 9° Leo. And while Aquarian energy belongs firmly to the head, Leonine energy most definitely belongs to the heart. It is a vibrant, vital and independent energy. It is about self-expression, courage and creativity.
How to work with the energy of this full moon? Using the axis of energy available during this full moon is key. Grounding in our heart centre (Leo) gives us a safe and supported way to connect to the collective Aquarian energy (think personal power / collective power). A hugely supportive aspect here is Charicklo in Aquarius conjunct the moon. Charicklo – an asteroid discovered in 1997 – has been called the asteroid of spirit medicine and aids us in holding our sacred space. Its conjunction to the moon here assists us in the holding and grounding process necessary to work with this universal network energy, whilst preventing us from getting lost in the ether.
Ways to harness this energy include spending deep, conscious, intentional time in nature. Connecting to our interconnectedness. To the idea that humans are an inseparable aspect of nature, and an integral part of multiple ecosystems. Alexander Humboldt, often called the father of modern ecology, called it a relationship of mutual interaction and sympathy. Everything – from microscopic life to forests to plants to the oceans to the cosmos – is inextricably linked. We can also experience another version of our interrelatedness through social connection. A very Aquarian version of social connection – think curious, highly communicative and socially adept – is raving. The space of a rave allows for creativity, self-expression, unity and camaraderie. They are experiences, which are collective and immersive; experiences where we feel ourselves to be part of a network or crowd. Our dancing becomes another expression of our mutual interaction and sympathy.
Image credit: Su San Lee on Unsplash
Merlin Sheldrake quote from: Entangled Life: How Fungi Make Our Worlds, Change Our Minds & Shape Our Futures
Carl Jung quote from: The Structure of the Psyche, CW8, par. 342
AI quote from Forbes: The 15 Biggest Risks of Artificial Intelligence
Full Sturgeon Supermoon in aquarius 01.08.23 - 7.31 PM (BST)